August 27, 2008

Gays don't want to acknowledge the masculinity of Straight men who like men!

In my observation of what's going on in the 'gay' community, what's happening is that masculine gendered males who are now getting some voice within the 'gay' community, are now starting to complain about the fact that the 'gay' space is bascially a third gender space, not fit for them.

There have also been some serious voices against the very concept of 'gay' and 'homosexuality' which tends to ignore the gender differences between people and clubs masculine gendered and feminine gendered guys together with the lame modern-western concept of 'sexual orientation'.

This makes gays -- which largely comprises of meterosexual males, i.e. strongly feminine but also consisting of some masculinity to make them want to be called 'men' -- quite insecure. So, what do they do... they seek to 'unacknowledge' the masculinity of these guys, by imposing fake social-femininity on them, "Oh, you know, they're not really all that masculine..." I mean the heterosexual society does that all the time... the moment a guy who would till now be the ideal of masculinity because he is believed to be 'heterosexual', if he discloses his sexual interest in men, the heterosexual society immediately responds by imposing social femininity on him, and saying things like, "you know he does seem to be a bit girly!", even when he's the same guy, and even when they know that there'e nothing feminine about the guy at all.

But, it's not to say that there are not 'gay' men who keep saying, and even believing that they are actually masculine gendered. But these are the guys for whom masculinity is just skin deep, about wearing the clothes that straight men wear and adopting a few of their mannerisms, in order to find a good 'f***'.

People who complain about the gay space or its validity or its femininity are almost certain to be real masculine/ straight guys, who don't really belong in the 'gay'/ queer space. But the queers want to deny them the right and space to say, "hey, I'm masculine and I don't belong here... Please set me free from your oppressive 'gender'/ 'sexual' definitions that force me into your space, without my will. BECAUSE I'M DIFFERENT!"

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